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Home Care Services: Tips for Staying Warm When It's Cold and Drafty

Home Care Services: Older homes can be drafty and cold.

Make sure your parents are warm enough by addressing the drafty areas. Here are the steps for you and your home care services provider to take to ensure your mom and dad are warm all winter.

Home Care Services: Senior Safety

Check the Windows and Doors

Windows and doors tend to be the most prominent areas for cold air to get in. If the windows are older and seals are gone, it's time to consider replacing them. When that's not possible, plastic insulation sheeting keeps out drafts. Additional weatherstripping also helps.

Go around doors and replace weatherstripping where needed. It would help to place draft blockers in front of doors to block drafts in the winter.

Dress in Layers

Do your parents dress in layers? It's an excellent way to trap heat against the skin. If your mom and dad get too warm, they can take a layer off. To dress in layers, they could have a tank top under a long-sleeved tee, and a cardigan or sweater over that.

Keep Blankets Nearby

Have blankets available for your parents when they're reading books or watching TV. If there's a draft, they can wrap up in the blanket. If they get too warm, they can remove the blanket.

Use Space Heaters Appropriately

Space heaters are a handy way to warm a room, but your parents have to use them correctly. Furnishings, curtains, and other items must be at least three feet from the space heater.

Avoid using space heaters 24/7. They should be unplugged and turned off when your parents are away from the house or out of that room. If they use them in their bedroom, they should heat the room, turn it off, and unplug it before falling asleep.

Replace old space heaters with newer, safer models. Many newer models have sensors that immediately cut power to the heater if it is bumped or tips over.

Have Caregivers Available For Visits

It's not easy to be with your parents 24/7, especially if you live hours away. How do you ensure they're warm and safe when you live in another state or country? It's time to consider personal care at home services.

With home care services, your mom and dad have caregivers with them each day or as often as they need. Caregivers assist with grooming and hygiene, housekeeping and laundry, and meals and shopping. Personal care at home aides help your parents stay safe, take care of themselves, and alert you to any issues. Talk to a specialist to schedule home care.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Newark, DE, please contact the caring staff at Macklyn Home Care today. (302) 691-3217