Five Types of Home Improvements to Consider for Your Senior’s Home
Home Improvement Time runs from April through roughly September, and it marks the time of year when more people look for ways they can improve their homes. For your senior, Home Improvement Time could be one of the best times to ensure her home is as safe as possible for her. An Elderly Care provider can help with suggestions.
Elderly Care in Greenville DE: Home Improvements
Chairlifts and Ramps
If there are steps and stairways in your senior’s home, these can become more difficult to maneuver over time. Installing ramps reduces the difficulty level immensely. Some spaces may be more applicable for things like chairlifts, however. Ramps are much easier to use if your elderly family member relies on assistive tools like a walker or a cane to get around more safely.
Flooring Changes
Another excellent change might be to ensure that flooring throughout your senior’s home is as safe as possible. Non-slip flooring options that don’t have obstacles are the best choice, which might even mean removing carpet. Damaged flooring should be repaired or replaced, especially if the damage could be a tripping hazard.
Railings and Grab Bars
Most people think about railings and grab bars around stairways and in the bathroom. But there may be other places in your senior’s home where these safety tools would be incredibly useful. Look for any open areas with wall space that could support a railing or grab bar. Installing some in those areas gives your elderly family member something to reach out for if she needs extra support while she’s walking.
Kitchen Modifications
Kitchens can be downright dangerous for seniors if they’re set up for able-bodied people. Adding multiple counter heights can ensure that your elderly family member can sit comfortably and handle tasks in the kitchen. Moving commonly used items to lower storage spaces can also help. Grab bars may be a good idea as well if there’s a lot of empty wall space.
Bathroom Modifications
Bathroom safety is crucial, especially if your elderly family member has mobility issues or cognitive challenges. Adding handrails and making sure that the flooring is as anti-slip as possible is crucial. It can also help to make changes like elevating the toilet seat and adding a shower chair. Look at the challenges your senior faces and find ways to counterbalance them.
Extra Help
Another addition to consider making isn’t strictly a home improvement, but it can make your senior a lot safer. Home care assistance can ensure that your aging family member is able to safely maneuver around her home, that her home is tidy and clean, and that safety needs are addressed. Caregivers can help your senior in a variety of different ways, including making sure she gets where she needs to go. Relying on home care assistance may feel odd to her at first, but as she opens up and starts to feel safer, she can realize how important this tool is for her.
Depending on the challenges that your senior is facing, there may be a variety of other types of changes that could help her to be safer at home.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering hiring Elderly Care in Greenville DE, please contact the caring staff at Macklyn Home Care today. (302) 691-3217