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Home Care: Winter Weather Safety Tips for Older Adults

Home Care: What winter weather safety tips should your parents follow?

Older adults have additional risks that you might not think of. Normal aging can make it harder for their bodies to regulate their body temperature. Balance is more challenging for some. These are the conversations you need to have with them and their home care providers.

Do They Still Go For Walks?

Your parents like to walk each day for exercise. When it's winter, are they being safe? Before heading outside, have they dressed appropriately? An insulated, water-resistant jacket is essential to keep them warm and dry. They need to wear a hat, gloves, and scarf.

If it's snowy or icy, their boots should have tread that grips the ice and snow. If it's not good enough, some strap-on ice grips are an excellent idea for avoiding a fall.

Have the Heating System Cleaned and Inspected

Inside, their safety is just as important. If the boiler or furnace hasn't been cleaned and inspected, schedule an appointment. You don't want to learn there was an issue with a clogged vent pipe and have carbon monoxide building up in the house.

Once the heating system is cleaned, you'll have peace of mind that everything is good for another year. If you have to replace the boiler or furnace, it's better to know before the bitter cold temperatures arrive.

Is The House Drafty?

Drafty doors and windows are a waste of energy. Your parents will spend more money than is necessary on heating bills and electricity. For now, some insulating plastic over the windows can help reduce drafts. Weatherstripping around doors can block drafts, too.

Do your parents have an attic? Your family could get together and add more insulation to help keep the heat from escaping out of the roof. Sealing up windows in the attic will also help.

If there is money available, you could have older doors and windows replaced. While it costs money to do this, the money they'll save on heating fuel is worthwhile. You can also look into state programs that offer free home inspections and provide tips on what to do to help insulate a home and lower heating costs.

Home care: Hire Companionship Services

Home care services are a good way to ensure your parents' safety during the winter. Their caregivers can stop in and make sure they have the groceries they need before a storm. They can make sure the heat is working properly.

If your parents have appointments and don't want to drive on snowy roads, their caregivers can do that, too. Call a home care agency to learn more.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Middletown, DE, please contact the caring staff at Macklyn Home Care today. (302) 691-3217